Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Good vs. Evil

The Two Wolves

One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people.

He said, "My son, the battle is between two 'wolves' inside us all.

One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.

The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith."

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, "Which wolf wins?"

The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

2nd Amendment Rights?

This is an email I received lately....I thought I would pass it along so you could check it out for yourself.

When I voted, there were already over 3.2 MILLION votes.

97% believe the 2nd Amendment gives individuals the right to keep & bear arms.

2% do not believe that.

1% are unsure.

3.2 MILLION....I wonder if anyone in Washington D.C. is able to translate this "concept" or if they are even able to read english. That remains to be seen. All I can say is this: the politicians had better start listening to the people....the politicians work for US, not the other way around - which is how they are all acting right now. After voting, feel free to comment here & tell how many voters have clicked in as well as how the percentages are shaking out.


Obama's new Attorney General, Eric Holder, has already said this is one of his major issues.This takes literally 2 clicks to complete. Please vote on this gun issue question with USA Today. It will only take a few seconds of your time.. Then pass the link on to all the folks you know. Hopefully these results will be published later this month. This upcoming year will become critical for gun owners with the Supreme Court accepting the District of Columbia case against the right for individuals to bear arms.

Here's what you need to do:

First - vote on this one.

Second - launch it to other folks and have THEM vote - then we will see if the results get published.

The Question is:
"Does the Second Amendment give individuals the right to bear arms?"

Vote at link below - Quick Question

Monday, July 27, 2009

My head has been spinning.....

I am beginning to feel like the girl in the movie "The Exorcist" - Regan (sp?) - when her head spun around & around & absolutely nothing good came from it.

Sorry to have taken such a long break....I honestly needed it. I was on overload. Now, I am still on overload, but I think I am getting a better handle on dealing with it.

Several things, most of which I will comment on to a greater extent soon, are buzzing around in my head. BIG SURPRISE COMING (this would be called a 'spoiler' if I were talking about a movie) - the bailouts are NOT, I repeat NOT working. If there is anyone in America who is surprised by this revelation, you need serious therapy. And soon. Now there is talk of a 'SECOND bailout'. Excuse me because I do not have a college degree, but there was a bailout passed in the fall - HAD to be done - while Prez Bush was still in office. THAT IS ONE. Then Prez Obama is elected & another bailout passed. THAT IS TWO. So what is all the talk about a 2nd bailout when, in actuality (& reality), it would be the THIRD BAILOUT. Can someone explain how this works? The 1st one did nothing, the 2nd one did even less (unless you count signmakers business improving to put up signs to tell you how well the 'bailout' projects are working on highways throughout our nation - especially since the $ for that work was already headed there before bho even thought about making signs). Now, the Prez wants to return to the well which, by the way, is bone-dry, for ANOTHER bailout.

The bailouts were not predicted to work. The 'transparency' is more opaque now than it was when Bush & Clinton were in office. So, realistically, what have we gained? A huge debt that has no hope of being repaid. Union officials are happy because they are sitting pretty. An entire car manufacturing company - GM - is now truly 'government motors' & no one has said they will be looking to buy no matter how good the deals look. So, it seems the answer to that is to punish car companies that did not need, or did not take, bailouts & become part & parcel of the government.

Now we are faced with 'NATIONAL HEALTHCARE'. Oh, excuse me. National Healthcare is no longer the way to label this....NEW LABEL is this: Government Health INSURANCE. This has been spun so many ways by so many people that it makes a cotton candy cone look simple. As a permanently disabled, Medicare-dependent person, I will be the first in line to say this is not only a ridiculous, pathetic idea -- it is very dangerous. Even my doctors are worried that if the cancer returns, under 'obama-care', I will not be allowed treatment. You see, after battling for 10 years, putting my family & friends thru hell with me, I will be told to go home, have 'palliative care' until such time as hospice is needed & that will be the end of it.

I am not stupid - I know my care has been expensive & losing our private insurance was a significant blow. Fighting with Medicare -- they want to deny me support for a g-tube which I have had since Dec. 15th, 1998 because I cannot swallow -- is tough. I jump thru hoops. I send emails. I make phone calls. But once the government got into the mix, the cost of a g-tube went up 500%. YES, you are reading that right. 500%. The simplest explanation is that the gov't does not want to pay for it. So they make it as difficult as possible. I do not blame my supplier - to even break even, they HAVE to bill at the exorbitant rate just to have a chance of getting anything near the actual cost. It will get much worse as this 'Healthcare Insurance' wanders around in Washington D.C. Mark my words. This is the reality. I am supposed to use an enteral feeding supply -- however, to do this, it will cost me approximately $700-$800 per month for my 20% of the Medicare coverage of the other 80%. I cannot afford that. Not now, not ever.

Turning this country into a pale imitation of 1970's Russia is absolutely not the answer. If any politician votes in favor of this travesty, I believe there must be a recall election immediately for that politician. These 'people in power' are still so swayed - Republican & Democrat & ? - by the magician that they are following the Piped Piper, just as the rats did while he merrily played a tune.

It is time for the 'sleeping giant' which encompasses the majority of the United States to awaken & slap these people down. They are supposed to work FOR us, not the other way around.

Last thought this early a.m. - if this healthcare package is so damned great, why are all the politicians EXEMPTING themselves, their own familes AND federal employees from this? It is absolutely true. One set of rules for us peons, one set of rules for those who believe they are above all of us, the elitists who are now in government in a huge way.

This is SUPPOSED to be a government OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE.

You & I are 'the people', just in case you are confused. Set aside all the excuses you have been giving for your particular representative: well he/she has brought jobs in, gotten projects for parks, improved our roads -- whatever your excuse is, it is not good enough to justify keeping them in office as they decimate our country & enrich themselves. How can they be millionaires after ONE term in office yet only bring in a paycheck of less than $200,000? How is this possible? Think about it. You know the answer. And it ain't pretty.

Are YOU going to stand up & say "I've had enough & I'm not gonna take it anymore"? Do you have the courage to do what is right? Do you have the fortitude to be labeled, as I have, a racist, homophobe, anti-immigration, KKK member, slut, ignorant, mean, cold, uncaring? Although I have been called those things & worse, I am still speaking out. Someone has to.

Will it be you? Or will you sit back hoping & praying your world doesn't change & you won't have to get active?

Either way, you must make a choice. The time to sit & wring your hands or change the channel or not listen to what is happening -- that time has long passed you by.